Monday, May 18, 2009

I've been Tagged!

What is my current obsession? I don't know if I'd say I'm really obsessed with anything at the moment, just trying to keep up with life! Work, meals, laundry, cleaning and I guess I am trying to exercise everyday. Summer is practically here and it scares me to think of wearing shorts and swim suits again!

Which item of clothing do you wear most often? Jeans and for the moment flip flops. But who knows, it may snow again and I will have to put the snow boots back on!

What's for dinner? Leftover ham and Au Gratin potatoes I made from Sunday.

What are you listening to? Night sounds from the window- an occasional car driving by and frogs croaking by the river.

Say something about the one that tagged you. She is a sweetheart!

Guilty Pleasure? Lattes- pretty much anything rich and yummy from the coffee shop. Or ice cream cones on a warm evening.

Favorite vacation spots? England, Montana, Oregon

What am I reading right now? Anne of the Island (just finished Anne of Avonlea)

Four words to describe myself. content, optimistic, caffeinated, strong-willed

First Spring thing to do? Planted my violas!

What do I look forward to? Evening walks in the summer

Who should I Tag....
Gumbo Lily
Lady on the Ranch
Ranch Girl


Gumbo Lily said...

Nice list. I enjoyed reading it.

Love you,

The Beauty of the Lord said...

Hurrah! Simply Grace is alive indeed! Those of us in "Bloggy Land" were wondering if there'd been a alien abduction of our sweet Grace! :) Glad to see you are back at it!

~*~ Cathryn

Simply Grace said...

LOL Thanks Cathryn! It's good to be back!