Monday, September 29, 2008

Canning, canning and more canning!

My Mom, sister-in-law, friend Gloriann and I have been doing more canning than I even thought I would in my whole lifetime! I always said I NEVER would can when I was a girl- now I'm eating my words. We have canned peaches, pears, applesauce and apple butter in the past few weeks. With all these canned goods I have no room in our apartment to store them! Since I have cupboards in my kitchen with space on the top for decorations I have decided to display them along with all my fun fall things. It's pretty and functional!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

September is my favorite month

It isn't really...well, maybe it is. I don't know for sure if I actually have a favorite month. But it IS the month that my birthday is in! I just celebrated it on Monday with my husband. It is the first time since we have been married that we have celebrated either of our birthdays.

My husband is sooooo sweet and thoughtful that he made me a special dinner. Now, the day of my birthday he didn't tell me anything, only that I should expect to have dinner with him, but not saying where or if he was making it, etc. Actually, I figured it out (that he was cookin') but only because he bumped into a friend of ours in the grocery store and she visited me at work and mentioned that she saw my DH there and asked if he was just making dinner for my birthday or if he did it every week. So I told him that I KNEW he was cooking but he wouldn't tell me what. Well, that wonderful man of mine made Cordon Bleu, mashed potatoes and baked broccoli.
Mmmmmm it was SO good! I had never had Cordon Bleu before, and he had never made it before either but it was so delicious. Then to top it all off he bought me a dozen beautiful red roses - the LAST dozen in the whole town. My two younger brothers also bought me two green roses that are pictured with DH's red roses which was very sweet of them.

It was the first time I had received a dozen roses from him also. It was such a wonderful evening and a great way to celebrate and it will be a fond memory to look back on as our years together grow.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

My First Apple Pie

Welcome to my blog! I'm excited to get started and share with you all. My first post....APPLE PIE!

So I have been married now a few months, a little over three to be exact, and I really feel like a grown up now more than ever. You know, bringing a salad to supper with friends, making the green bean casserole for Thanksgiving, etc. Stuff I remember seeing my mom, aunts, and grandmas do when I was a little girl. Now I am doing it!

Now, I have always been intimidated by pie. The crust must be flaky and light, the filling juicy but not too moist or the crust will be soggy, and baking it for the right amount of time and not burning anything...scary. But my mom has inspired me this weekend by sending me an apple corer/slicer/peeler! It was taking me forever to do all those steps with a paring knife- now it's no time at all! Ahhhh.

First of all I didn't even have any pie plates so I had to use tinfoil pans, and I had to split the crust recipe in half so I wasn't sure if it'd be ok....the apples seemed a bit wet when I folded them together with the spices, I was only supposed to have enough apples for one pie but ended up with enough for two, OH, and the pies baked way faster then they were supposed to. But I made 'em - and they were very delicious! I was so relieved. I just wanted to be able to make a pie as well as my momma and I think she would've been proud.