Thursday, October 30, 2008

A sunny stroll

Today it was such a beautiful sunny day that I had to get out and enjoy it. There is a new walk-way that goes right next to the river that is across the street from our apartment. Remember I was telling you that the city was working on a new walk/bike path? This is part of that. Anyways.... here's a few pics!

This is that part of the river that is straight across from our building, at the beginning of the walk way.

This is where the fork in the river is, hence the name for the town, Belle Fourche, which means Beautiful Forks in French.

A little farther down the river...
Here's the trail....

A sweet little bench just in case you wanted to sit and watch the river flow by.

Can you spy the flag? It reminded me today about the election coming up in five days and wondering what the outcome will be. I'm anxious and a bit worried but I just have to remember it's in God's hands. He knows our needs and has a plan for us.

Monday, October 27, 2008

It's almost Halloween!

My hubby and I bought a couple pumpkins and have been waiting to carve them until right before Halloween. So we did that fun project last night! Here's a few fun pictures of our night...

Mine is the big one and my dh's is the small.

There he is...carving away. Maybe he should be a hand model, eh? It looks like he's posing.

Here's mine with my face drawn on

Sorting out the pumpkin seeds from the's so sticky!

The finished product! Aren't they cute?

Not to mention the bonus of roasted pumpkin seeds!


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Just another tuesday night....

Over the past weekend out at my parents ranch we had the most delicious pork tenderloin. was so good. And so easy. I never really knew what to do with one, but after seeing mom make one it looked so simple and was so yummy that I had to try it. Plus, pork tenderloin is about as expensive as hamburger so why not!? And it's so much better. All you do is rub olive oil all over it and then sprinkle with your favorite herbs (thyme, parsley) maybe a little minced garlic, s&p and throw it in the oven (I put mine in a cake pan) at 350 degrees for about two hours. Wonderful. I encourage you to give it a whirl!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Ah yes, the recipe!

Applesauce Bread
from Paula Dean

1/2 c. butter, softened
1/4 c. dark brown sugar
2 c. flour
1 t. baking powder
1 t. baking soda
1/2 t. salt
1 t. cinnamon
1 t. allspice
1 t. vanilla
1 c. applesauce
2 eggs
1 cup raisins
1/2 c. chopped walnuts

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour an 8 by 4 by 3-inch loaf pan. Cream the butter and brown sugar. Add the remaining ingredients except the raisins and nuts. Mix well until blended. Stir in the raisins and nuts. Pour into the loaf pan. Bake for 60 to 65 minutes.


Now, my hubby isn't a walnut fan in his bread, and I am not a raisin fan. SO, I omitted these but I'm sure they would be good in it. I also didn't have dark brown sugar so I just used light brown. Mine also only took 55 mins. to bake but I just think it's due to my crazy oven.


There's more than one way to use up applesauce

Remember when I was saying I felt like I had apples coming out my ears? Well, now I realized that applesauce is not exactly my hubby's favorite. Great. Now what am I to do with all of it?! I happened to be watching the Food Network the other day (I love that channel) and Paula Dean was on making Applesauce Bread. What a good idea! I made a loaf today since I'm in a cozy baking mood-must be the chilly weather- and it smells wonderful. It just came out of the oven and I cant wait to try a slice!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Fall is here...

You can definitely tell that it is Autumn. Apples are ripe and everyone is trying to give them away to anyone who will take them. It seems like every Friday my Mom gets together with my friend G. and I to do some big project, either canning peaches or pears, applesauce, etc. This Friday we bagged up apples to freeze for pies or crisps. We did 34 quarts in just a matter of a few hours work!

My hubby and I have been going on walks since it has been so beautiful these past days. I just love this time of year with the trees turning and the cooler days. It makes me really appreciate the beautiful area we live in and get to see every day. The city just put in a new bike path and here's a picture of what we get to walk through!