Monday, September 29, 2008

Canning, canning and more canning!

My Mom, sister-in-law, friend Gloriann and I have been doing more canning than I even thought I would in my whole lifetime! I always said I NEVER would can when I was a girl- now I'm eating my words. We have canned peaches, pears, applesauce and apple butter in the past few weeks. With all these canned goods I have no room in our apartment to store them! Since I have cupboards in my kitchen with space on the top for decorations I have decided to display them along with all my fun fall things. It's pretty and functional!


Gumbo Lily said...

Now that's a clever way to display the "fruits of your labor." It's been fun and productive, hasn't it?


Anonymous said...

What a good idea! I was like you, after helping Mama can I never thought I would ever do it. But...I find myself planning on a big garden next summer, and plan on canning. When one starts buying their own groceries, one begins to think that maybe canning isn't so bad! Plus I'll be I'll defiantly have the time!

Plain Ol' Vanilla said...

Isn't wonderful to see all those jars. (does it feel a bit like money in the bank?) LK has been busy at her first 'real' canning experiences these past few weeks too. You two brides are getting off to a terrific start with all the new homemaker skills you're learning. You're mom must be smiling!
